propellAR is an Augmented Reality app for flying virtual drones on your own mobile device.
To fly the drone, you will need a Launch Pad. This is the location from which you will launch the drone, and the location to which the drone will return when you shut it off. You will create your Launch Pad from a handy nearby image such as a book cover, photograph, or beer coaster. Your Launch Pad should be something that you can lay flat on a nearby horizontal surface, such as your table or desk.
Once you have created you Launch Pad, you fly it using the joystick controls at the bottom of your screen. These allow you to navigate the drone up, down, forward, back, left, right, and also rotate it to the left and right. The direction of these controls is usually with respect to the drone itself, not to you. This can be a little confusing until you get the hang of it, but it’s the way that a real drone works. Also like a real drone, you can not fly the AR drone below ground level, which is an imaginary horizontal surface at the same elevation as your Launch Pad.
propellAR Drones
In addition to the included drone shown above, additional drones are available for purchase within the app for 99 cents each. Here are the currently available options:
propellAR in Action
WORKSHOP 3D propellAR drones have been flown all over the world. Here are a few videos to give you a better sense of augmented reality drones in the real world.
If there are questions regarding this app, you may contact us at
This support page was last modified on November 10, 2018